Kriptografi Dan Steganografi


Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang ini membuat komunikasi menjadi semakin mudah dan luas. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi informasi yang cukup dirasakan oleh masyarakat luas adalah penyampaian informasi melalui internet karena caranya yang sangat mudah dan efisien.


Keamanan menjadi faktor penting dalam proses pengiriman informasi melalui jaringan internet. Jika hal tersebut diabaikan, maka informasi tersebut dapat dengan mudah dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Jika informasi tersebut digunakan untuk tujuan yang tidak semestinya, maka tentu saja hal ini akan merugikan baik bagi pengirim maupun penerima informasi. Untuk itu, para ahli teknologi informasi mengembangkan metode-metode yang dapat menjamin keamanan tersebut. Kriptografi dan Steganografi merupakan teknik pengamanan informasi. Kriptografi akan menyamarkan informasi yang dikirim menjadi tidak bermakna, misalkan seseorang yang ingin mengirim informasi kepada seseorang dengan kata “jual” pada proses pengiriman kata tersebut akan disamarkan menjadi sesuatu yang tidak bermakna misalkan “?%&#”. Sedangkan steganografi tidak akan menyamarkan informasi, kata “jual” pada proses pengiriman kata tersebut tidak mengalami perubahaan.

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About Mock-ups inDesign

Mock-up Design
Return again still with me on this blog that blogs would discuss what was not clear .. heheew his next okey in the week I will discuss a bit about what it is a mock-up design. Mock-ups are used by designers mainly to acquire feedback from users about designs and design ideas early in the design process. Mock-ups are ‘very early prototypes’ made of cardboard or otherwise low-fidelity materials. The user, aided by the designer, may test the mock-up (imagining that it works) and thus provide valuable feedback about functionality/usability/understanding of the basic design idea/etc.

The advantages of mock-ups (and prototypes) are numerous. For example:

  • Mock-ups incite criticism from users because they are low-cost (can be made of cardboard) and low-fidelity. If a user is presented with an early version of a system that has required substantial work, he/she is likely to be more reluctant (as well as able) to critise it.
  • When using mock-ups of cardboard or similar materials, the user and designer can collectively change the design using familiar tools such as pens, scissors etc. As such, mock-ups are a discussion medium and a discussion facilitator between designer and user.
  • Not only can the mock-up function as a discussion medium between designer and user but also between the members of the design team. Thus, mock-ups may help facilitate work across disciplinary borders, bringing together a disparate team.
  • Mock-ups make it possible to do usability testing early in the development process.
  • Mock-ups incite and legalise experimentation as they are inexpensive to alter.
  • Mockups focus on content and functionality and turn attention away from details of graphic design.

Mock-ups address the idea captured in a popular engineering one-liner:

You can fix it now on the drafting board with an eraser or you can fix it later on the construction site with a sledge hammer.

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